Book #1 in the Living in Eden Series!
Eden Riley is a psychic consultant for the police, even though her abilities have never been her most reliable skill. On her most recent case, her paranormal powers are about to get her into some serious trouble.
After a serial killer is gunned down in front of her, Eden realizes that she’s quite literally no longer alone. A voice in her head introduces himself as Darrak. He’s a demon—but not in a bad way. Now he’s been bound to Eden by chance of fate. By day he can take very appealing form, but by night he needs Eden—for her body. When Darrak promises he can coach her on getting the life—and the man—of her dreams if she doesn’t call 1-800-EXORCIST, can Eden learn to live with this sexy demon?
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Book #2 in the Living in Eden Series!
Every woman has a sexy demon inside her just waiting to get out, but for Eden Riley it’s literal. Her inner demon is named Darrak, and he’s been inhabiting bodies for the past 300 years. In the daytime, he takes physical shape—a shape she wouldn’t mind getting her hands on, if it wasn’t a threat to her immortal soul.
Eden and Darrak race to break the curse that binds them together before this crazy situation gets any crazier. To do this, they’ll have to connect with some unsavory characters from the underworld. When sparks and spells start to fly, will they get get the distance they need to make this bizarre but awesome relationship work? Or will Eden and Darrak both have their own personal hell to pay?
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Book #3 in the Living in Eden Series!
Eden Riley knows that codependent relationships aren’t a good idea, but it’s hard to be independent when you’re possessed by a gorgeous, troublemaking demon. Darrak’s physical form makes Eden want to go bad, but a constant need to use the soul-destroying black magic brought on by her curse might force this good witch to explore her dark side in an entirely different way.
As Eden strives to learn how to cope with her magic, everything else in her life starts spiraling out of control. Does Eden have a chance at a happy life with the demon of her dreams before everything literally goes to hell?
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